Walking Longer


Andrew Campbell


 Contact:  Check Newsletter.
 Time:       09.45 for 10.00am.
 Meeting:  2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the Month.
 Venue:     To be Notified.

• Fresh air and exercise in the countryside
• Walking distance about 6-7 miles on track and field paths
• Stout shoes or boots needed
• Friendly group of people

We meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. The walks are around 6 miles in length followed by an optional pub lunch. We are a sociable group and new members are always welcome. Recentwalks can be seen in our list below also if you have a favourite walk please feel free to contact the Group Convenor and arrange with him when you are able to lead it. The group will continue in a similar vein with our new convenor / sub-committee as John and Joyce are stepping down.
Andrew Campbell

PLEASE NOTE: Locations shown are the nearest Parking to the Location required.

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13th Sept 2023 Half Moon Pub, Skidby
TA 018 338
HU16 5TG
Leader: Andrew and Prue Campbell.
Meeting at 09:45 for a 6 mile level ground walk
27th Sept 2023 Beverley Golf Club
TA 022 385
HU17 8RQ
Leader: Andrew and Prue Campbell
Meet at car park for 6.2 mile walk.
11th Oct 2023 Hotham Arms
SE 894 343
YO43 4UD
Leader: Steve Mitchell
6.2 miles We'll park in their car park but may not be able to order before we leave. Best to study the website menu (Meal Menu) and we can phone the order in. Please advise Steve if you are coming (shmitchell@msn.com).
25th Oct 2023 Bethell’s Bridge
TA 078 510
YO25 9ET
Leaders: Keith Taylor / Sandra Maxwell.
Meet at 09:30am at Dacre Arms to book meals and Share cars to walk start. (If 12 or more walkers, meals must be booked Sunday before walk.) Please email here (Keith) if you are walking. A aprox 5 mile walk mainly flat walking along streams, drains and River Hull.
From Dacre Arms (Lunch Location) to Walk start, turn left out of carpark (Charter's Lane) turn first right (Little Burton) then turn left onto Mill Lane stay (Childs play area now on right) on Mill Lane for 3.75 miles go over bridge and carpark on the left.
08th Nov 2023 Huggate and Wolds Inn
SE 882 550
YO42 1YH
Leader: Keith Taylor / Sandra Maxwell Meet at 09:45am for a 6.25 mile walk with inclines
Lunch at the Wolds Inn. Huggate. Please let leader know if you are walking.
22nd Nov 2023 Kiplingcotes Car park
SE 928 439
YO25 3LY
Leader: Pete Woodard
6.1 mile walk going west along Hudson Way then turning left along the Yorkshire Wolds Way then turn left again along Kiplingcotes Lane. Lunch at Goodmanham Arms, Please notify walk leader if you will be doing walk and have lunch.
13th Dec 2023 Haven Inn, Barrow Haven
TA 062 230
DN19 7ET
Leaders: John and Joyce Knox.
Christmas Walk, Meet in car park at 09:45am. 6 milr Flat walk, You must book your lunch with John and Joyce in good time.
27th Dec 2023 No Walk!



10th Jan 2024 Sledmere
SE 932 648
YO25 3XH
Leader: Andrew & Prue Campbell.
Park at The Triton Inn. 6.33 miles some inclines. Please let me know if you will come as above a certain number the pub will need to get extra staff. There is a nice 3.3 mile walk around the estate if shorter walkers wish to join us but you’ll be back well before us.
24th Jan 2024 Winteringham
SE 931 222
DN15 9NS
Leader: Andrew & Prue Campbell.
Park at Bay Horse, Winteringham. 6.6 miles Pretty flat.
14th Feb 2024 Millington
SE 830 517
YO42 1TX
Leader: Pete Woodard
Meet in Gait Inn Car park 09:45. Walk 5.7 miles some inclines.
28th Feb 2024 Dog Dog and Duck, Walkington
SE 996 370
HU17 8SX
Leader: Stephen Mitchel: (shmitchell@msn.com)
The walk will be about 6.5 miles, mainly flat.
The Dog and Duck require us to provide exact numbers and specify the menu choice. Menu Link
If you wish to walk and haven't been in touch please study the menu online and contact Stephen.
Stephen will give them a deposit on your behalf and settle up on the day. I'm not sure in what circumstances you could give backward but we need to be sure that Stephen is not out of pocket.
13th Mar 2024 Star Inn, North Dalton
SE 935 521
YO25 9UX
Leaders: John & Joyce Knox (jknox2013@icloud.com).
 Meet 09:45 in car park at The Star Inn. 6.21 miles some inclines.
Please contact John or Joyce to let them know you're coming so that they can advise the pub of numbers.
27th Mar 2024 Swan Inn, Seaton
TA 164 467
HU11 5RA
Leader:Peter Woodard (Email Pete.)
 Roadside parking adjacent to the Swan Inn at Seaton, Start at 09:45am
The Swan is not open on Wednesday lunchtimes so on our return from the walk we'll travel to Hornsea Garden Centre for lunch. There will be no need to pre-order your lunch choice but please advise Pete if you will be walking and/or lunching so that he can advise them of numbers and hopefully we can sit together.
10th Apr 2024 Cave Castle Golf Club
SE 917 310
HU15 2EP
Leaders: Andrew & Prue Campbell
Meet in the car park at 09:45am and order lunch in the Golf Club bar (NOT the hotel) The walk is 6.2 miles with some inclines.
Please advise if you will attend - andrew@campbell41.karoo.co.uk
24th Apr 2024 Huggate
SE 882 550
YO42 1LY
Leader: Sandra Maxwell & Keith Taylor.
Meet at 09:45am, Park at Wolds Inn. 6.25 mile walk some inclines. Please inform Leaders if you are having lunch.
08th May 2024 Goodmanham
SE 888 430
YO43 3HG
Leader: Alan Boden
Meet in Goodmanham village car park at 09:45.
Please advise Alan if You are walking and dining. (bode@bode.karoo.co.uk)
22nd May 2024 Ye Olde Red Lion, Holme on Spalding Moor
SE 812 386
YO43 4AD
Leaders: John & Joyce Knox
Meet at 09:45 to order lunch. A 6 mile flat walk on old railway line and field tracks via Seaton Ross.
12th June 2024 The Black Horse, Little Weighton
SE 987 337
HU20 3US
Leaders: Andrew & Prue Campbell
6 mile walk. Meet at 09:45 to order lunch. Please let Andrew know if you'll be walking and lunching. Thanks.
26th June 2024 Green Dragon, Welton
SE 957 272
HU15 1PF
Leader: Steve Mitchell
Meet at 09:45 to order lunch. 6 mile walk some inclines. Please notify Steve if you are walking and dining. (shmitchell@msn.com)
10th July 2024 North Newbald
SE 911 367
YO43 4SB
Leader: Peter Woodard
Park on road near pubs or Eastgate, North Newbald.
Meet at 09:45 to order lunch. (Email Pete.)
Please advise Peter if walking and having lunch.
Meal is at the Black Horse, Little Weighton. Download Menu HERE!
Walk is approx 6 miles some inclines.
24th July 2024 The Railway Inn, New Ellerby
TA 168 393
HU11 5AP
Leaders: Sandra Maxwell & Keith Taylor
6.2 mile easy walk on Hornsea Rail Trail, Roads and public footpaths.

Walks 2019. ¦ Walks 2021. ¦ Walks 2022.