Notice Board

 Member AreaMembership Page contains:- List of Group Covenor Contacts, Committee List March 2023 - 2024 with contacts, The current Newsletter / and older newsletters, Committee minutes and contact number.
 If you are a member of Swanland u3a then Send an Email to request an Account with your Full name, Membership No. and eMail address, you will receive your username and Password when your details have been verified.


Su3a Constitution

The Constitution is in PDF format, please click on image on the right.
This Constitution was adopted by the members at the AGM on 21-03-2024.

Copyright Document

 u3a Copyright.

 To view copyright document click on image
and for more information on this copyright please click this link

Please note that the photocopying of music is not covered.

Introducing Incoming Chair, March 2024

To read this, please go to the menu and click on link to Chair's Page.

Redacted Newsletter

 Please click image to see Swanland u3a January Newsletter. (Redacted)


The Accord

Several years ago the u3as of Beverley, Caves, Cottingham, Hessle and Swanland formed the Accord network in order to share information, experience and ideas for their mutual benefit.Subsequently AWAKE (Anlaby, Willerby & Kirk Ella), Howden and District, Hornsea and District, Driffield & Wolds, Pocklington, and Holderness have been welcomed into the group.

For more information please click on link to go to 'The Accord' page

Policies .... A Reminder.

I have been pleased to see new members at our lectures over the last few months - this reminder about policies is especially important for them but is relevant to even the most long-standing member.

On the Swanland u3a Website you will find Access, Disability and Safeguarding policies. Their purpose is to ensure that all of our activities are accessible to everyone regardless of any disability and that they also take place within a safe environment where abuse, bullying or discrimination is not tolerated.

New or old member, please take a few moments to read the policies. If you have any concerns, please contact.

Building Our u3a through New Technology.

Next year, we will be launching several initiatives to recruit new members to our u3a. But I would like to draw your attention to two that we can use immediately.

Firstly, there is 'Facebook.' We have a Facebook group to bring members together and to advertise our activities. This can be used as a recruitment tool as it is easy to spread the word to other retired people you may know about what is happening in our u3a. Many other organisations find it an invaluable tool in raising their profile - that is our ambition.

If you are not on Facebook, it is easy to join - just follow the prompts or use a 'gmail' account to log in. If you are a member all you have to do is search 'Groups' for our page.

Secondly, you will soon be seeing our new posters appearing in the village. As well as the contact email address there is a QR code - it can only be described as a square filed with random shapes! If anyone wants to join using their Smartphone all they have to do is point their camera at the square then they are connected to the 'Join' page on our website.

If you think anyone is interested, please tell them that it is an option! Keith Taylor

Summer... Project

Summer, Describe it!

Many members contributed to our 'Creations' project over Lockdown which is also in this section of our Website.

'Summer ...' is our latest project. We are asking all members to please share their Summer experiences - how you coped with the heat this summer or a few words on your summer holiday, anything from a photo to enhance your activity; favourite poems or pose extracts or an account your summer holiday or summer activity. Or perhaps a summer recipe ? Or a recommendation for a good summer read?
Please send to for display both on our Website and St Barnabas Noticeboards.

Newsletter Deadline.

“Thank you all for your contributions and we look forward to receiving more for the future editions.

The deadline for our May Newsletter will be the 1st April 2025.

Could Convenors send any information or requests regarding their groups to:

Anne at  Newsletter Editor / Compiler for inclusion in the next issue.

The latest Newsletter can be downloaded from the Members Page.

Message from the Chair. YAHR

Summer School Flyer YAHRIf you're ever feeling lonely

And you feel a little blue
Try sending out a flyer  . . . . . .(Click image to see flyer - - --->)
And replies flood back to you.
Thank you for your patience. I am attempting a different way of forwarding the flyer as I understand people couldn't open the other one.
If this doesn't work I'll send out application forms for my job.
Keep smiling.
Any Questions email Pat Collard

Parking at St Barnabas.

Please park thoughtfully in the St Barnabas car park to maximize the number of cars that can get parked while leaving space where the bollard denotes a reservation for a guest speaker.