Creations Project

Creations Project
John Munson a member of our u3a Committee has put forward an idea to celebrate together the resilience that we had all shown over the very difficult months over lockdown, with the wide range of creative talents in our u3a.

Accordingly, he is organising a project called ‘Creations…’ that will showcase some of the activities that you may have enjoyed and that have helped you get through 'Lockdown'. If there is anything that you have done that you wish to share with others please send it to John and it will be displayed on our Swanland u3a website where it will both help and inspire other members and hopefully prospective members.

What is mean by 'creative activities'?

Gardening  If you are proud of your garden why not submit a photograph and a short account of anything special that you may have done.

Cooking  Could you share that special recipe to inspire other cooks?

Writing  Perhaps you have enjoyed writing poetry, short stories or your autobiography. You are welcome to submit either an extract or a whole text.

Art  I know that many U3A members enjoy painting and drawing – please submit a photograph of your work.

Crafts  Have you made or repaired anything? Please let us know what and how – again a photograph would be useful in showing what you have achieved.

Photography  Please feel free to submit any of your special photographs.

Reviews  You may have a favourite book, box set, film, music or television programme – if so you can submit a review.

Reflections  Please think about the changes you have made and reflect whether they could be submitted.

You do not have to be a member of a specific Interest Group to submit work from their area e.g. many of us enjoy gardening but are not members of the Gardening Group.
There is no deadline for subissions.

Please e mail John with your work to this address :

To view the activities sent in by the members please go to main menu and follow links to the various pages and to see the larger picture or full article, please select the small picture on left. If there are a series of pictures please hover your cursor on the right or left for 'Prev' or 'Next'.

Comments about the various items please send to John by email, any problems with the website please email the webmaster.