Literature 2


Hattie Johnson


 Contact:    Telephone No on Newsletter / Members area.
 Time:         2.00pm.
 Meetings:  Contact Convenor
 Venue:       To be Notified.

• A member to discuss a chosen book.
• Book chosen by members may be fiction or non-fiction. • A year’s programme chosen with overall theme.
• Last month devoted to poetry and prose.

The group numbers have dwindled a little and there is room for one or two new members.
We meet on the first Friday of the month at 2.00pm at a designated member's house.
Anyone is interested in joining, please contact the Convenor by phone or email to discuss what the group does, how we choose the books for discussion and whether they want to come along to an introductory session.
Hattie Johnson

Date Title Author Recommended By.
06th January. Songbirds Christy Lefteri Ros
03rd February. Still Life Sarah Winman Ann
03rd March. The Fortnight In September J C Sheriff Marjorie
07th April. Gilead Marilynne Robinson Hattie
05th May. Magpie Elizabeth Day Joan
-th June. TBA
-th July. TBA