Art Appreciation 3


Margaret Lawrenson


 Contact:   Phone No on Newsletter.
 Time:       10.00am.
 Meeting:   02nd Thursday of Month.
 Venue:      Contact Convenor.

• Look at a wide range of artists and styles from all periods
• Watch Videos about artists and look at their work
• Discuss collections of paintings on a theme
• Visit exhibitions and galleries

Our meetings are very varied. A group member may give a detailed presentation on a particular artist - recently we have learnt about Wyndham Lewis, Mary Cassatt and Berthe Morrisot. Or we each choose and talk about a painting that fits a particular theme such as 'Picnics' or 'Winter'. It's surprising what people find! Other meetings have been about American Folk Art, The Glasgow Boys and soon we will look at Matthias Grünewald the German Renaissance painter.
Margaret Lawrenson and Peter Adeney (Joint Convenors)

Date Day/Time Contact Venue
12th January Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor
09th February Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter. Contact Convenor
09th March Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor
13th April. Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor
11th May. Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor
09th February. Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor
09th March. Thursday 10.00am Telephone No on Newsletter Contact Convenor